UTF-8; HTML 4.01; CSS3; 64987B+3489B+2894B
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Zamieszano: 16.01.2015
Oto wszystkie "Sznurki" występujące na stronach TiO.
Ponieważ sekcja "sznurków" do Microsoftu baaardzo się rozrosła, stworzyłem dla niej oddzielny dokument.
Wszystkie "sznurki" zostały "ukryte".
Odsłaniane będą te, które zostaną sprawdzone i będą dobrze przywiązane.
- 3
- A
- Analog: WWW logfile analysis 21.09.1998 - http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/
- Analog: WWW logfile analysis - SunSite mirror 21.09.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/analog/
- Antiviral Toolkit Pro - Strona główna 21.09.1998 - http://avp.gold.pl/
- Apache Project 21.09.1998 - http://www.apache.org/
- Apache Project - SunSite mirror 21.09.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/apache/
- Apache Project - TASK mirror 21.09.1998 - http://www.task.gda.pl/pub/www/apache/
- B
- C
- Chip - Magazyn komputerowy CHIP Online i serwis wyszukiwawczy NEToskop 21.09.1998 - http://www.chip.pl/
- CuteFTP - Home Page 21.09.1998 - http://www.cuteftp.com/
- D
- E
- F
- F-Prot - Information on F-Secure Anti-Virus Products 23.09.1998 - http://www.datafellows.com/f-prot/
- G
- H
- HTML 2.0 (RFC1866) 21.09.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/doc/rfc/rfc1866.txt
- HTML Conveter 21.09.1998 - http://www.vadim.com.pl/Jurek/htmlconverter.html
- I
- J
- James Clark's Home Page 21.09.1998 - http://www.jclark.com/
- Jerzy A.Radzimowski Home Page 21.09.1998 - http://www.vadim.com.pl/Jurek/
- K
- L
- Linux w Polsce - PLUG 21.09.1998 - http://www.linux.org.pl/
- M
- McAfee - Front Page 21.09.1998 - http://www.mcafee.com/
- McAfee Labs AVERT - W32.CIH.SPACEFILLER Virus Information 21.09.1998 - http://beta.mcafee.com/public/stand_alone/spacefiller411.html
- McAfee - SpaceFiller - SFSCAN.zip 21.09.1998 - http://beta.mcafee.com/public/stand_alone/SFSCAN.zip
- mIRC: Homepage of the IRC Chat client mIRC 21.09.1998 - http://www.mirc.co.uk/
- MkS_Vir 21.09.1998 - http://www.mks.com.pl/
- N
- Netscape Netcenter 21.09.1998 - http://www.netscape.com/
- Communicator and Netscape Navigator News 21.09.1998 - http://www.netscape.com/browsers/index.html
- O
- P
- PIT Home Page 21.09.1998 - http://www.pit.edu.pl/
- PIT OW 21.09.1998 - http://www.pitow.wroc.pl/
- PIT OW - mirror WWW 26.01.2000 - http://pitows01.pitow.wroc.pl/
- Polbox On-Line Service 21.09.1998 - http://www.polbox.pl/
- PSO - Polska strona ogonkowa 21.09.1998 - http://www.agh.edu.pl/ogonki/
- Q
- R
- S
- SP - SGML parser 21.09.1998 - http://www.jclark.com/sp/
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus 23.09.1998 - http://www.symantec.com/nav/index.html
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus Command Line Scanner 21.09.1998 - http://www.symantec.com/nav/navc.html
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus Command Line Scanner - navc10.exe 21.09.1998 - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/norton_antivirus/ver3_win3x/scanner/navc10.exe
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus Command Line Scanner - navc10.txt 21.09.1998 - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/norton_antivirus/ver3_win3x/scanner/navc10.txt
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus KILL_CIH.EXE Tool 23.09.1998 - http://www-cu.symantec.com/avcenter/kill_cih.html
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus KILL_CIH.EXE Tool - kill_cih.exe 23.09.1998 - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/antivirus_definitions/norton_antivirus/kill_cih.exe
- Symantec - Norton AntiVirus KILL_CIH.EXE Tool - kill_cih.txt 23.09.1998 - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/antivirus_definitions/norton_antivirus/kill_cih.txt
- T
- Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. 21.09.1998 - http://www.tpsa.pl/
- Teleport Pro 21.09.1998 - http://www.tenmax.com/pro.html
- TuCows PL - Welcome to TUCOWS 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/
- TuCows PL - Windows 95 Software 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/window95.html
- TuCows PL - Chat - IRC for Windows 95 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/circ95.html
- TuCows PL - File Transfer Protocol & Archie Clients 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/ftp95.html
- TuCows PL - Modem Sharing 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/share95.html
- TuCows PL - Off-line Web Browsers for Windows 95 21.09.1998 - http://tucows.icm.edu.pl/offline95.html
- U
- V
- W
- WEB Tech - Validation Service 21.09.1998 - http://valsvc.webtechs.com/
- WinGate Lan to Internet Software - WinGate 21.09.1998 - http://www.deerfield.com/wingate/
- W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium 21.09.1998 - http://www.w3.org/
- W3C - HTML 3.2 Reference Specification 21.09.1998 - http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html32
- W3C - HTML 4.01 Specification 24.01.2000 - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401
- W3C - HTML 4.01 Document Type Definition 24.01.2000 - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/sgml/dtd.html
- W3C - HTML 4.01 Frameset Document Type Definition 24.01.2000 - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/sgml/framesetdtd.html
- W3C - HTML 4.01 Transitional Document Type Definition 24.01.2000 - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/sgml/loosedtd.html
- W3C - W3C HTML Validation Service 21.09.1998 - http://validator.w3.org/
- W3C - Web Style Sheets 21.09.1998 - http://www.w3.org/Style/
- W3C - Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 3.02.1998 - http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/REC-CSS1
- W3C - Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 21.09.1998 - http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2
- W3C - W3C CSS Validation Service 24.09.1999 - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator
- X
- Y
- Z
- ZDNet - CIH virus nearly infects thousands of users 21.09.1998 - http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/zdnn_smgraph_display/0,3441,2122748,00.html
- ZDNet - The Mother of All Viruses 21.09.1998 - http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cda/index/0,2073,2121893-2103621,00.html
- 3Com 16.05.1997 - http://www.3com.com/
- 3D Studio MAX 14.08.1997 - http://ktx.com/3dsmax/
- Adaptec Home Page 21.05.1997 - http://www.adaptec.com/
- Adaptec Easy-CD Pro 21.05.1997 - http://websvr1.adaptec.com/cdrec/wpapers/easycd_broch2.html
- Apple Computer 3.02.1998 - http://www.apple.com/
- Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS 3.02.1998 - http://product.info.apple.com/productinfo/datasheets/im/colorlw12-600.html
- Apple Color LaserWriter 12/660 PS 3.02.1998 - http://product.info.apple.com/productinfo/datasheets/im/colorlw12-660.html
- Artisoft 30.04.1997 - http://www.artisoft.com/
- Bitstream Home 29.07.1997 - http://www.bitstream.com/
- Corel Corporation 29.04.1997 - http://www.corel.com/
- Crystal Semiconductor Homepage 30.04.1997 - http://www.crystal.com/
- Cyrix 14.05.1997 - http://www.cyrix.com/
- DATAEXPERT CORP. 14.05.1997 - http://www.dataexpert.com.tw/
- Dataexpert Driver list 14.05.1997 - http://www.dataexpert.com.tw/driver/driver.htm
- DATAEXPERT PRODUCT LINE (ExpertColor) 14.05.1997 - http://www.dataexpert.com.tw/product/product.htm
- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. 29.04.1997 - http://www.diamondmm.com/
- Diamond Multimedia Homepage - Europe 29.04.1997 - http://www.diamondmm.de/diamondde/eng/homepage.html
- DIAMOND Driver Updates - Europe 29.04.1997 - http://www.diamondmm.de/diamondde/eng/drv_d.html
- Diamond Multimedia: Driver Index 29.04.1997 - http://www.diamondmm.com/product-support/driver-index.html
- EDM's User Tips 29.04.1997 - http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/edm/
- EDM's User Tips: IMN User Tips 29.04.1997 - http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/edm/IMN-hp.HTM
- Elektroson Homepage (Frames) 23.05.1997 - http://www.elektroson.com/
- Epson 14.05.1997 - http://www.epson.com/
- Epson FTP File Downloads - Impact Printer Drivers - PC 21.05.1997 - http://www.epson.com/connects/pdip_p.html
- Epson LX300 14.05.1997 - http://www.epson.com/homeoffice/9pin/lx300/
- ESS Technology, Inc. Home Page 30.04.1997 - http://www.esstech.com/
- ESS - ES1868 AudioDrive Product Brief 30.04.1997 - http://www.esstech.com/products/briefs/pb1868.html
- FaxWare 14.08.1997 - http://www.faxware.tobit.com/index.htm
- FaxWare 14.08.1997 - http://www.faxware.tobit.com/eng/index.htm
- Forté Agent Expressions by MACiAS - http://www.torun.pdi.net/~macias/comp/agent.html
- Forté Home Page 29.04.1997 - http://www.forteinc.com/
- Free Agent Newsreader 29.04.1997 - http://www.forteinc.com/agent/freagent.htm
- Gallant HomePage 13.05.1997 - http://www.gallantcom.com/
- Gallant SC-70P (SC-7000 Plug and Play) 13.05.1997 - http://www.gallantcom.com/www/70p.html
- Gallant SC-70P Plus (SC-7000Plus Plug and Play) 13.05.1997 - http://www.gallantcom.com/www/70pp.html
- Gallant Sound Card Drivers 13.05.97- http://www.gallantcom.com/www/drivers.html
- GEAR 23.05.1997 - http://www.elektroson.com/GEAR/HOME_GEAR.HTM
- Genius 29.07.1997 - http://genius-kye.com/
- Genius - KYE 13.05.1997 - http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/
- Genius - 10M LAN adapter 14.08.1997 - http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/product/pro_net6.htm
- Genius MouseMate - gmmnt.zip 19.08.1997 - http://www.genius-kye.com/drivers/GMMNT.ZIP
- Genius ZIPMouse 29.07.1997 - http://genius-kye.com/home/zipmouse.html
- Genius ZIPMouse - gmous95.zip 29.07.1997 - http://www.genius-kye.com/drivers/GMOUS95.ZIP
- GUS - Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd. 16.05.1997 - http://www.gravis.com/
- GUS - FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - 29.08.1997 - http://www.gravis.com/faq.htm
- GUS - FAQSound - UltraSound Ultrasound Faq's 29.08.1997 - http://www.gravis.com/faq.htm#sound
- GUS - FAQ33 - MIDI Keyboards, Windows 95, and the GF1 based UltraSounds.Does it work? Yes & No 29.08.1997 - http://www.gravis.com/FAQ/SOUND/snd00033.htm
- GUS - Software Library 16.05.1997 - http://www.gravis.com/Public/
- Guillemot 13.07.1998 - http://www.guillemot.com/
- Hewlett-Packard 14.05.1997 - http://www.hp.com/
- HP Vectra XA 5/xxx, USB Driver for Windows 95 19.08.1997 - http://hpcc920.external.hp.com/cposupport/personal_computing/software/waex1us.exe.html
- Hitachi 14.05.1997 - http://www.hitachi.com/
- HomeSite - Main 29.07.1997 - http://www.dexnet.com/homesite.html
- IBS PAN - filtr 6/7->2 - mswrd.exe 29.07.1997 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/shareware/microsof/winword/mswrd6.exe
- IBS PAN - MS DOS Client 16.05.1997 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/shareware/microsof/clients/msclient/
- IBS PAN - XTerm Demo 14.05.1997 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/shareware/internet/xterm/
- IBS PAN mirror - Dispaly 29.07.1997 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/mirror/ftp.mpoli.fi/hardware/DISPLAY/
- IBS PAN mirror - Trident 29.07.1997 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/mirror/ftp.mpoli.fi/hardware/DISPLAY/TRIDENT/
- Impact Software Home Page 30.04.1997 - http://www.impactsoft.com/
- Impact Software: Product Catalog (Microangelo Engineer) 30.04.1997 - http://www.impactsoft.com/products/products.html
- Intel 16.05.1997 - http://www.intel.com/
- InternetMeter Inlay 18.08.1997 - http://www.starfishsoftware.com/products/siu/inlay/getinlay.html
- Internet Utilities 97 18.08.1997 - http://www.starfishsoftware.com/products/iu97/iu97.html
- Komputery i Biuro - Kącik shareware gazety wyborczej - Nr 44/96 3.09.1997 - http://www.tl.krakow.pl/gw-kib/gw-kib.cgi?44-96
- LANtastic 7.0 30.04.97- http://www.artisoft.com/lantastic/index.html
- LastChance by FileWare - http://www.fileware.co.uk/products.htm#LastChance
- Logitech Live 29.07.1997 - http://www.logitech.com/
- Matrox 14.05.1997 - http://www.matrox.com/
- Matrox Millennium 14.05.1997 - http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/products/brochure.htm
- Matrox Millennium Windows 95 drivers and utilities 14.05.1997 - http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/drivers/ftp_mw95.htm
- miro Computer Products AG 14.05.1997 - http://www.miro.com/
- miro Driver Graphic/Video-Acceleration 14.05.1997 - http://www.miro.com/e/e3-drivers/e31-grafikvideomulti/g95e.html
- miro driver & updates 14.05.1997 - http://www.miro.com/e/e3-drivers/driver.html
- Mitsumi Home Page 29.07.1997 - http://www.mitsumi.com/
- ModemShare 30.04.1997 - http://www.artisoft.com/modemshare/index.html
- NEC Online 29.07.1997 - http://www.nec.com/
- Official Netscape PL FTP 16.05.1997 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/netscape/
- Official Netscape PL FTP - Netscape Communicator 16.05.1997 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/netscape/communicator/
- Netscape Sylaba - http://netscape.sylaba.pl/
- Netykieta 29.07.1997 - http://www.pk.edu.pl/texts/etykieta.html
- Norton Utilities FTP Directory 29.04.1997 - http://sos.symantec.com/ftp/nutilftp.html
- Novell 30.04.1997 - http://www.novell.com/
- Okidata 29.04.1997 - http://www.okidata.com/
- Okidata Page Printers 29.04.1997 - http://www.okidata.com/products/led/
- Online Meter 29.07.1997 - http://www.krebsman.com/meter/home.html
- Online Meter - http://www.kagi.com/mkrebs/meter
- OPTi Incorporated 29.07.1997 - http://www.opti.com/
- Ositis Software Home Page 30.04.1997 - http://www.winproxy.com/
- Packet Driver for NDIS3 3.09.1997 - ftp://hsdndev.harvard.edu/pub/ndis3pkt/
- Pajączek - Edytor Stron HTML 18.08.1997 - http://www.intraco.com.pl/pajaczek/
- PC Magazine Online 3.09.1997 - http://www.pcmag.com/
- Pegasus Mail 29.04.1997 - http://www.pegasus.usa.com/
- Philips 16.05.1997 - http://www.philips.com/
- Philips CDD2000 CD-Recordable Drive - CD-R 16.05.1997 - http://www.km.philips.com/laseroptics/cdr/cdd2000/cdd2000.htm
- Philips CDD2600 CD-Recordable Drive - CD-R 16.05.1997 - http://www.km.philips.com/laseroptics/cdr/cdd2600/cdd2600.htm
- Philips CD-Recording - CD-Recordable F.A.Q. 23.05.1997 - http://www.km.philips.com/laseroptics/cdr/support/main.htm
- Philips - Welcome to Philips B.U. Monitors 3.09.1997 - http://www.monitors.be.philips.com/
- Philips - Monitor Drivers and Utilities List 3.09.1997 - http://www.monitors.be.philips.com/drivers/drivers.htm
- Philips - CustoMax for Windows 3.09.1997 - http://www.monitors.be.philips.com/drivers/drvWin.htm#CustoMaxWin
- PowerQuest Corporation 16.05.1997 - http://www.powerquest.com/
- PowerQuest's PartitionMagic 16.05.1997 - http://www.powerquest.com/products/partitionmagic/index.html
- PropertiesPlus (kish Design's Home Page) 30.04.1997 - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~bd7k-isi/
- PSO - Forté Agent 1.08.1997 - http://www.agh.edu.pl/ogonki/forteagent.html
- PSO - Win95 i Exchange 4.0 1.08.1997 - http://www.agh.edu.pl/ogonki/w95iso2.html
- Quarterdeck 14.05.1997 - http://www.qdeck.com/
- Quarterdeck Partition-It 15.05.1997 - http://www.qdeck.com/qdeck/products/partit/
- Reflection X/Reflection Suite for X for Windows 95 and Windows NT 14.05.1997 - http://www.wrq.com/products/dsheets/rxnt.htm
- S3 INCORPORATED 13.05.1997 - http://www.s3.com/
- S3 Drivers & Utilities 13.05.1997 - http://www.s3.com/enduser/swlib.html
- S3 FTP Index of 325drv 14.05.1997 - http://www.s3.com/bbs/325drv/index.htm
- SAMBA Web Pages 18.08.1997 - http://lake.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba/samba.html
- SciTech 13.05.1997 - http://www.scitechsoft.com/
- SciTech Display Doctor 13.05.1997 - http://www.scitechsoft.com/sdd.html
- SHAREWARE.COM -- the way to find shareware on the Internet 14.05.1997 - http://www.shareware.com/
- Shuttle Computer International, Inc. 30.04.1997 - http://www.shuttlegroup.com/
- Shuttle Computer International, Inc.-- Sound Card Drivers 30.04.1997 - http://www.shuttlegroup.com/products/support/sound.html
- Simtel.Net - Keith Petersen's Shareware Distribution Network 16.05.1997 - http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/
- Simtel.Net - PREZIZER - presz112.zip 16.05.1997 - http://www.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/diskutil/presz112.zip
- SMC - Standard Microsystems Corporation 30.04.1997 - http://www.smc.com/
- Spacewalker/Shuttle : Sound Cards 30.04.1997 - http://www.spacewalker.com/uk/audiouk.html
- Spacewalker Welcome page 30.04.1997 - http://www.spacewalker.com/
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl/pub/mirror/Microsoft/SoftLib/MSLFILES/SPEAK.EXE
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.man.poznan.pl/mirror2/winsock-l/WWW-Browsers/Players/speak.exe
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/infosystems/www/ncsa/Mosaic/Windows/viewers/speak.exe
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.elka.pw.edu.pl/pub/unix/WWW/mosaic/mirror/Windows/viewers/speak.exe
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.mimuw.edu.pl/pub/users/jsbien/mosaic/speak.exe
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/vol/d1/www/ncsa/Mosaic/Windows/viewers/speak.exe
- Speaker driver - speak.exe 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/vol/d4/winsite/win3/sounds/speak.exe
- Starfish Software 18.08.1997 - http://www.starfishsoftware.com/
- Switch It! 29.04.1997 - http://www.oz.net/~patrickf/switchit.html
- Symantec Corporation 29.04.1997 - http://www.symantec.com/
- Symantec Norton Utilities 29.04.1997 - http://www.symantec.com/nu/index.html
- T-MOD 14.05.1997 - http://www.tmod.com.tw/english.htm
- T-MOD ColorMAX 14.05.1997 - http://www.tmod.com.tw/efram1-2.htm
- Trumpet Software International 14.05.1997 - http://www.trumpet.com.au/
- Trumpet Winsock 14.05.1997 - http://www.trumpet.com.au/wsk/winsock.htm
- TuCows 14.05.1997 - http://www.tucows.com/
- TuCows PL - Win 95/98 & Win NT 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/window95.html
- TuCows PL - Anti-Virus Scanners 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/virus95.html
- TuCows PL - Bookmark Utilities 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/bookmark95.html
- TuCows PL - Browsers 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/web95.html
- TuCows PL - Bundled Applications 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/suite95.html
- TuCows PL - Cache Viewers 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/cache95.html
- TuCows PL - Chat Direct 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/direct95.html
- TuCows PL - DNS Lookup 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/dns95.html
- TuCows PL - Editors Advanced 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/htmledit95.html
- TuCows PL - Editors Beginner 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/htmlbeginner95.html
- TuCows PL - Editors Text 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/htmltext95.html
- TuCows PL - Email Clients 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/mail95.html
- TuCows PL - Image Animators 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/imgani95.html
- TuCows PL - Internet Tools 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/tool95.html
- TuCows PL - Modem Dialers 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/dial95.html
- TuCows PL - Networking (TCP/IP) 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/tcp95.html
- TuCows PL - News Readers 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/news95.html
- TuCows PL - Ping Applications 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/ping95.html
- TuCows PL - Security Applications 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/security95.html
- TuCows PL - Server Daemons 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/server95.html
- TuCows PL - Shell Enhancements 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/shell95.html
- TuCows PL - Telnet Applications 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/term95.html
- TuCows PL - Time Loggers 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/time95.html
- TuCows PL - Utilities 4.03.1998 - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/util95.html
- TWAIN Online 30.04.1997 - http://www.twain.org/
- Vobis WWW Willkommensseite 18.08.1997 - http://www.vobis.de/
- Vobis Highscreen - Scanner 18.08.1997 - http://www.vobis.de/bbs/support/brett05/index.htm
- Warp Nine Engineering - The IEEE 1284 Experts 29.07.1997 - http://www.fapo.com/
- Warp Nine Engineering - IEEE 1284 29.07.1997 - http://www.fapo.com/ieee1284.htm
- Windows Commander 30.04.1997 - http://www.ghisler.com/
- Windows95 OSR2 FAQ 17.11.1997 - http://www.compuclinic.com/osr2faq/
- Windows95 OSR2 FAQ - Dual-Booting OSR2 19.08.1997 - http://www.users.cts.com/king/s/serwin/dualboot.html
- Windows95.com - Welcome to Windows95.com! The best 32-bit Shareware, Drivers, Tips, and Information on the Internet! 18.08.1997 - http://www.windows95.com/
- WinProxy Home Page (Lan-Projekt) 30.04.97- http://www.lanprojekt.cz/winproxy/
- WinProxy Home Page (Ositis Soft.) 30.04.1997 - http://www.winproxy.com/menu2.htm
- Win-Secure-It 13.05.1997 - http://www.shetef.com/winsec.htm
- WRQ's Web Connection 14.05.1997 - http://www.wrq.com/
- Wykaz połączeń modemowych 18.08.1997 - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2305/wykaz.htm
- Wykaz połączeń modemowych - http://free.polbox.pl/y/yasf/
- XingMPEG Player 29.04.1997 - http://www.xingtech.com/
- YSS - Yogurt Stereo Studio 1.09.1997 - http://www.pitow.wroc.pl/~yogurt/
- Zoltrix Home Page 18.08.1997 - http://www.zoltrix.com/
- Windows Modem DRIVERS & AT Command manuals 18.08.1997 - http://www.zoltrix.com/modem.htm
- ZyXEL Communications - ISDN Modems Terminal Adapters and Routers 18.08.1997 - http://www.zyxel.com/
- ZyXEL European File Distribution (ZEFDIS) 18.08.1997 - http://www.zyxel.co.at/
- ZyXEL European File Distribution FTP Server 18.08.1997 - ftp://ftp.zyxel.co.at/public/
- ZyXEL - SCIENTIFIC S.A. - Pomoc Techniczna 18.08.1997 - http://www.scientific.com.pl/t.htm
- Zabawne "sznurki" ~;-)))))
- IBS PAN - HP 5L - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/shareware/hp/lj5/lj825pi*.exe
- IBS PAN - QWS3270 - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/shareware/internet/telnet/qws3270.zip
- SiS 30.04.1997 - http://www.sis.com/
- Do sprawdzenia
- Adobe - http://www.adobe.com/
- Adobe Acrobat - http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/
- ATM Light 4.1 - http://www.adobe.com/products/atmlight/main.html
- AK-Mail - http://www.th-darmstadt.de/~st001295/
- Altavista - http://www.altawista.com/
- Asus - http://www.asus.com/
- ATI - http://www.atitech.ca/
- ATI drivery - http://www.atitech.ca/drivers/
- Bookmark Converter - http://www.abc.se/~m9761/bm_conv/
- Cirrus Logic - http://www.cirrus.com/
- CompCore Softpeg - http://www.compcore.com/
- DLL Show & Codes - http://www.execpc.com/~sbd/
- Dunce - http://www.vecdev.com/
- Eudora - http://www.eudora.com/
- Fileferret - http://www.ferretsoft.com/
- FreeZIP - http://www.healey.com.au/~nu-lifetv/freezip/
- FTP Software - http://www.ftp.com/
- FONT.ORG - http://www.font.org/
- FTPSearch - http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/
- FTPSearch - PL mirror - http://alfa.iele.polsl.gliwice.pl:8000/
- FTPSearch - PL mirror - http://alfa.iele.polsl.gliwice.pl:8000/ftpsearch/
- FTPSearch - PL mirror - http://godot.tuniv.szczecin.pl/~mjaskula/search/ftpsearch/ftpsearch.html
- FTPSearch - PL mirror - http://www.radtur.com.pl/intranet/ftpsearch.htm
- FTPSearch - PL mirror - http://workshop.polsl.gliwice.pl/search/fastftp.html
- Ghost - http://www.ghostsoft.com/download_software_now.html
- Gif*gIf*giF - http://espresso.cafe.net/peda/ggg/
- GIF Construction Set - http://www.mindworkshop.com/alchemy/gifcon.html
- ICQ - http://www.mirabilis.com/
- Intel Marl - http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/ml/index.htm
- Intel Tuscon - http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/tc/index.htm
- Intel Motherboards Using 82371SB PIIX3 or 82371AB PIIX4 Component - http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/ideinfup.htm
- Intel Motherboards Using 82371SB PIIX3 or 82371AB PIIX4 Component - non-ATAPI device - http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/idecdrom.htm
- Laboratorium Safona - http://www.jedynka.com.pl/~safon/ls/
- Linia dzierżawiona - http://www.vt.edu:10021/K/kewells/net/
- Logitech FTP - ftp://ftp.logitech.com/pub/TechSupport/IMAGING/
- IBS PAN mirror - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/mirror/ftp.mpoli.fi/hardware/
- IBS PAN mirror - Diamond - ftp://ftp.ibspan.waw.pl/pub/mirror/ftp.mpoli.fi/hardware/DISPLAY/DIAMOND/INDEX.HTM
- Magic Folders - http://www.pc-magic.com/
- mIRC FAQ - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/tucows/adnload/dlmircfaq.html
- http://pomoc.irc.pl/mirc/ - http://pomoc.irc.pl/mirc/
- MOD4Win - http://www.mod4win.com/
- MSIE Cache Explorer - http://www.mwso.com/
- NEC 4x4: krótka specyfikacja - http://www.euronec.com/necsite/products/bus_eqpt/cdrom/4x4c/specsheet.html
- NEC 4x4: sterownik DOS - http://www.euronec.com/necsite/drivers/24da.htm
- NetTerm - http://starbase.neosoft.com/~zkrr01/
- OPTi Support - http://www.opti.com/support/audio.htm
- ParaWin 98 - http://www.paratype.com/
- PIRCH - http://www.bcpl.lib.md.us/~frappa/pirch.html
- PWr pub - Sound - ftp://ftp.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/pc/sac/sound/
- QuarkXPress - http://www.quark.com/
- Quark FAQ - http://www.quark.com/kbase/
- Quark FAQ: Error message, Can't run this version of QuarkXPress on this system [4] (Win) - http://www.quark.com/kbase/faq006.htm
- QVT/Term - http://www.frontiernet.net/~qpcsoft/
- RealAudio - http://www.real.com/
- SB - http://www.creaf.com/
- SB products - http://www.cle.creaf.com/wwwnew/tech/ftp/ftpinx.html
- SB drivery - http://www.creaf.com/wwwnew/tech/ftp/ftpnew.html
- SB 2.0 & Others - http://www.creativelabs.com/wwwnew/tech/ftp/ftp-sb+sbp.html
- Screen Mate Poo - http://www.flnet.nl/~maniac/scmpoo/
- Shove-it - http://www.phord.com/
- SpaceFiller - http://beta.mcafee.com/public/stand_alone/SFSCAN.ZIP
- SPEA - Drivers - http://www.spea.com/Lang/DRIVER/MMKIT/FILES.HTML
- Spell check Word files in Spanish, French, German or other languages with Microsoft Proofing Tools Word 6.0/7.0/O97 - http://www.alki.com/adjumps/pt.htm
- SunSite Pub Win95 - ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/win95/
- TiOPatch - poprawki dla Win95 - http://www.jedynka.com.pl/~yogurt/tio/binaria/patch/ls.txt
- TOOLVOX - http://www.voxware.com/
- Tom's Hardware Guide - http://sysdoc.pair.com/
- TRADOS Translators's Workbench - http://www.trados.com/
- TransSoft Mail Control - http://www.centrum.is/~bhg/
- Trident - http://www.trid.com/
- Trident Drivers - http://www.trid.com/trident/drivers/drivers.htm
- Ulead Gif Animator - http://www.ulead.com/webutilities/ga/ga_downf.htm
- UnMozify for Internet Explorer - http://www.evolve.co.uk/unmozify/
- PL mirror: Updated Drivers for CD-ROM Changers - cdchanger.exe - ftp://ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl/pub/mirror/Microsoft/SoftLib/MSLFILES/cdchnger.exe
- USR - http://www.usr.com/
- Vobis Monitory - http://www.vobis.de/bbs/support/brett19/index.htm
- VoxPhone - http://www.vocaltec.com/index.html
- W95Boot - http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~jwes/win95boot.html
- WAR FTP Daemon - http://home.sol.no/jgaa/tftpd.htm
- WebMirror - http://www.maccasoft.com/webmirror/
- WGL Assistant - http://www.cdrom.pl/wgl/
- Win Hacker 95 - http://www.wedgesoftware.com/
- Windows Online - http://windows.online.pl/
- Windows Online - Klawiatura maszynistki - http://windows.online.pl/pn87.htm
- Windows Online - PL w Win95US - http://windows.online.pl/uswin95.htm
- WinZIP - http://www.winzip.com/
- wIRC - ftp://silston.bitbank.rzeszow.pl/Win_95/Internet/Irc
- WizCat PRO - http://www.xs4all.nl/~wincat/
- X-Win - http://www.starnet.com/
- Zegar - http://pbgsa.pbg.pl/str_dom/ditalesi/a_soft.html
- ZigZag - http://www.zigzag.pl/
- hostinfo.zip - ftp://ftp.man.poznan.pl/mirror2/winsock-l/Windows95/Misc-Winsock/hostinfo.zip
- hostinfo.zip - ftp://ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl/pub/mirror/Simtel.Net/win95/inet/hostinfo.zip
- hostinfo.zip - ftp://ftp.man.poznan.pl/mirror2/simtelnet/win95/inet/hostinfo.zip
- ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/extras/fonts/windows/ - ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/extras/fonts/windows/
- 95enu_n2.exe - ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw411/95enu_n2.exe
- 95enu_n2.exe - ftp://ftp.novell.de/pub/updates/nwos/nw411/95enu_n2.exe
- 95enu_n2.exe - ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/novell/updates/nwos/nw411/95enu_n2.exe
- wsirc20.zip & wsircv20.zip - ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/csamsi/
- wsirc20.zip & wsircv20.zip - ftp://cs-ftp.bu.edu/irc/clients/pc/windows/
- wsirc20.zip & wsircv20.zip - ftp://winftp.cica.indiana.edu/pub/pc/win3/winsock/
- wsirc20.zip & wsircv20.zip -ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/msdos/networks/irc/windows/
- http://www.aztechla.com/ - http://www.aztechla.com/
- http://www.barkers.org/ie/ - http://www.barkers.org/ie/
- http://www.bonair.waw.pl/ - http://www.bonair.waw.pl/
- http://www.britek.com.tw/ - http://www.britek.com.tw/
- http://www.britek.com.tw/vga.htm - http://www.britek.com.tw/vga.htm
- http://www.cirrus.com/support/desktop/clgd542x.htm - http://www.cirrus.com/support/desktop/clgd542x.htm
- http://www.compaq.com/support/files/desktops/softpaqs/pages/prntupdate.html - sp2345.exe - http://www.compaq.com/support/files/desktops/softpaqs/pages/prntupdate.html
- http://www.genius.kye.de/english/driver.html - http://www.genius.kye.de/english/driver.html
- ftp://gs4.gielda-sam.slupsk.pl/dtp/fonty/ - ftp://gs4.gielda-sam.slupsk.pl/dtp/fonty/
- http://w3cache.icm.edu.pl/ - http://w3cache.icm.edu.pl/
- http://www.itribe.net/virtunix/ - http://www.itribe.net/virtunix/
- http://www.kiarchive.ru/pub/windows/convert/char/ - http://www.kiarchive.ru/pub/windows/convert/char/
- http://beta.mcafee.com/public/stand_alone/spacefiller411.html - http://beta.mcafee.com/public/stand_alone/spacefiller411.html
- http://www.minolta.com/ - http://www.minolta.com/
- http://www.minoltausa.com/ - http://www.minoltausa.com/
- http://friko.onet.pl/kl/amanda/WinGate.htm - http://friko.onet.pl/kl/amanda/WinGate.htm
- http://www.pk.edu.pl/sysdocs/proxy_howto/ - http://www.pk.edu.pl/sysdocs/proxy_howto/
- http://www.primaxelec.com/ - http://www.primaxelec.com/
- http://babeard.simplenet.com/dll.html - http://babeard.simplenet.com/dll.html
- http://www.spea.com/lang/ENG/homepage.html - http://www.spea.com/lang/ENG/homepage.html
- http://www.silesia.ternet.pl/ - http://www.silesia.ternet.pl/
- http://www.tseng.com/ - http://www.tseng.com/
- http://www.tseng.com/softlst.htm - http://www.tseng.com/softlst.htm
- http://www.thunderbyte.com/ - http://www.thunderbyte.com/
- http://www.unboxed.com/ - http://www.unboxed.com/
- ftp://ftp.zdnet.com/pcmag/1997/0325/logoma.zip - ftp://ftp.zdnet.com/pcmag/1997/0325/logoma.zip
- MiSIE Download - http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ie40/download/
- mousesys.exe - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/common/aa2720.htm
- Q145668 - http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q145/6/68.asp